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product preparing中文是什么意思

用"product preparing"造句"product preparing"怎么读"product preparing" in a sentence


  • 产品调配, 产品准备


  • Processed fish - products prepared from fish flesh or surimi - specifications
  • One of the potential uses of perfluorochernicals is for those patients whose religious beliefs does not allow them to use donor blood or product prepared from donor blood
  • The difference of reactive mechanisminduced the difference of their structure . v _ 2o _ 5 product prepared by melting - cooling showed more notable undefined structure . after heat - treating under300 , particle size becomes smaller , and aggregate to globate grain , showesbetter electrochemical performance at low charge - discharge rate
  • The external wall thermal insulation series dispersion products prepared by basf functional polymers division involve latest developed dispersion of base coat and bonding mortar specific for the exterior insulation finishing system , and the dispersion for external wall decoration system ( such as the exterior coating specific for the base plane to process putty , primer and coating decorative surface ) as well as ceramic tile adhesive specific for decorative surface of ceramic tile
用"product preparing"造句  
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